❛       If only we knew the suffering that would befall us next...


Ⅰ.       A towering figure, a muscular, well defined body. Minos looms over most. Being a Prime Soul, he is not bound to a specific corporeal form. Being able to completely shape his figure in any form and size, Minos's usual characteristics remain due to his nature as a Prime Soul, that being the lack of a face, leading to an infinite void, and pearly white skin becoming translucent the closer to where his bone would be. Alongside which, Minos's chest is completely translucent, revealing his still human heart, which beats a vibrant crimson. Coiled around Minos's forearms are the souls of his real life pets refusing to leave their master, Albidus  and Caerulus. Alongside Minos, they too can change their size, but keep their original serpentine composition. Minos exudes a constant aura of blue, even his shade having a deep shade of azure.


Ⅱ.       A just king in the past, Minos's ancience is unknown even to him, as he had lost count. Minos is calm and collected, preferring to settle quarrels and topics with diplomacy and calm. Due to his nature as a Prime Soul, his connection with humans and any of those within the HOMO genus is strong, being able to not only read their emotions, but allowing for his to be read to. His emotions can be exuded as an "aura", which can influence the emotional state of weaker minds. His mind is curious and ancient. Wise and knowledgeable, Minos's technological understanding is at its peak, being able to read through an entire book in a mere microsecond, his processing power more akin to a machine than a man. Despite his warmth and compassion, a wrathful side exists within his heart, for those that dare to harm those within his kingdom, he shall enact JUDGEMENT to rattle the heavens.

NAME                                  MINOSAGE                   MULTIPLE MILENNIAHEIGHT                         8'4/250cm
WEIGHT                                  ???
GENDER                                    ♂
HAIR COLOR                           NONE
EYE COLOR                            NONE
ALIGNMENT                  LAWFUL GOOD
                          KINGDOM, LEADER
                   S T A T SSTRENGTH                                  P
SPEED                      IMMEASURABLE
DURABILITY                               P
STAMINA                                 ???
ABILITIES                                 P
HAX                                         P
               more in     .

❛  the world is cold, its darkness looms over humanity in the mockery of fate. i broke such fate, and thus, i shall guide those that follow beyond FATE!   ❜

❛                                                                An all-imperfect love song...


Ⅰ.       p r e l u d e :     Once a person dies and leave the corporeal realm, they become Husks. Husks are devoid of much life, and act more as the undead. However, a Husk can come in many categories, most visible due to their size. Those with influence in real life, be it power, fame or cruelty become more powerful versions of Husks. Their bodies are larger, their power is more present, and their intelligence is something more than mindless, animalistic lunging. However, there are people who are so powerful, that their SOUL refuses to die and become bound to a Husk. Instead, they become stronger through their sheer will and determination alone. and thus, with those with such will and influence over people, they become a PRIME SOULⅡ.      PRIME SOUL:    A Prime Soul is a being who's soul is so powerful it no longer requires body. Carried by its sheer will alone, they no longer find themselves bound to the corporeal realm, yet manage to retain a form of physicality, allowing them to not only interact with objects around them, but also phase through them with ease. A PRIME SOUL's power is determined by the person. The greater their will, the stronger their power.


.       immortality :     Minos is completely immortal through any means of eradication. Requiring those with higher power capable of "out-haxing" him out of existence. However, with the belief and hope of others, his body can come back to the physical realm..      non-corporeal physiology :    Minos can completely change his physical form to a near infinite extent, his body being able to become as large as galaxies, and reach into any shape or density he desires, allowing him to turn his body into a weapon. But alas, Minos prepares to battle with his bare hands alone, if he needs to, he'll merely harden his body to simulate the effect..      ENRAGE :    Minos can enter a rage state after being brought down to half of his vitality. In an ENRAGED status, Minos's physicals increase drastically and his attacks become unparriable, his speed increases drastically, and his projectile based attacks become more linear, but become much faster, making him a fiercer hand to hand combatant..      court of the just king :    An ability which limits the physical, spiritual and dimensional plane of the battlefield with the King. Locking his superposition with the opponent where the only free space that they'll have is 10 cubic meters. Minos can decrease the linked superposition all the way down to 2 meters, forcing an inevitable close quarters combat..      a scornful past :    After the events of numerous tragedies occurring within Minos's past, a SCORNFUL shadow occupied his existence to bastardize fate itself. A narrative cancer existing to cause nothing more than suffering in the name of its infinite HATRED. After its supposed grant of mercy, the King now shares the many abilities that his scornful shade had amassed.                                  such being:HAX DENIAL,    HAX OVERWRITING,    DIMENSIONAL IRRELEVANCE,    MIND CONTROL,    FATE ALTERATION,    POWER NULLIFICATION,    HIGH LEVEL REALITY WARPING,    QUANTUM THREAD MANIPULATION,    HORDE SUMMONING (DEMON / HUSK / MACHINE),    LANGUAGE IRRELEVANCE,    POSITIONAL IRRELEVANCE,    EMOTION MANIPULATION,    ELEMENTAL MANIPULATION,    LIFE BESTOWAL,     AND MORE....       true kings right :     An ability inherited from the the idol of Minos, ADAM, THE FIRST OF MAN, it is a state of being where Minos has complete authority over anything that touches his fist. Allowing him to either instantaneously bestow the fate of death upon someone, or to bring them hope, love or peace.

techniques / art of battle.

.       combat :     Raised in numerous arts of war and battle in his youth, Minos specializes in hand to hand combat. However, his expertise is battle is not limited to sword fighting, archery, or mount-riding..      hand to hand:    Minos majority of the time will battle without weapons and strictly with his body alone. Being several millennia's old, his knowledge in martial arts is vast, but preferably limited to his own style of martial art, which is more akin to medeterrarian forms of fighting, clearest example being pankration and boxing. Alas, his fighting styles include different forms of combat, be it originating from Asia, Europe, Africa or beyond..      weaponry :    Minos is a masterful weapons user, especially with the European style swords. Starting off with the Greek Xiphos, all the way to the Germanic Zweihänder. Alongside swords, Minos's knowledge of weaponry isn't limited to spears, halberds, polearms, maces, flails, bows and many more. Do not mistake his taste in older weaponry a sign of his lack of time, for he is also adept at modern weaponry..      mounts:    Minos is an expert mount-rider and tamer. Be it riding horses, flying dragons and so on. With his bioengineering knowledge, he has brought back many extinct and though of mythical beings, some of which he has made into his pets, yet giving them the freedom to roam around within his palace at any time.                                  Here are the pets of King Minos:

Coastal Azure Peacock

A particular favorite of King Minos, the Coastal Azure Peacock is a long extinct genus of Peacocks that resided within the coastal regions of the ancient Medeterrarian seas, which were at one point covered in tropical fauna, rich with resources for the bird to thrive. Brought back from extinction by the King, the bird serves as Minos's closest pet, accompanying him in most meetings and nearly all the time when he's all alone by himself.

Great North Pole Arctic Gryphon

A Northern predatory species of mythical animals, this specific genus of Gryphons are found specifically around the North Pole, where they hunt for Polarian animals, such as Great Ice Bears, Northern Sea Seals, and Crystal Whales. Being larger on the size for typical Gryphons, they utilize their brute strength and powerful wings to either drag prey out of water, or ice. Their thick feathery coat keeps them not only warm, but completely silent through flight, making them dangerous ambush hunters. This pet accompanies Minos on his hunts. Preferring to keep the animal with the least amount of crowd as possible, as they prefer solitude.

Feathery Starscaled Amphithere

An animal of draconian origin, Amphithere's are renowned for their stealth across thick jungles. Just the same can be said about the colossal animal which resides within Minos's throne rooms ceiling. This specific genus of Amphithere's can be found only in night times, where they disguise themselves along the starry night. Their scales glistening like the very stars in the sky from all directions. They're usually found hunting on open fields, mountains, or even the oceans where they search for aquatic prey of larger scale, typically avoiding small or medium size fish. A peculiar characteristic of the Feathery Starscaled Amphithere is it's head, it's eyes positioned on the top of their head, which they use to stargaze , finding the stars fascinating. However, when the time of hunt arrives, they'll flip their bodies upside down, now being able to observe the surroundings below, and hunt with ease.

Spirit Tiger

Animals that reside within the spiritual realm of the world, these Tigers exist on a plane where the physical entities cannot truly interact with them. Every being has a soul, and so do animals of Earth and beyond. Many of the animals have in fact adapted to the spiritual realm, allowing them to be more adept hunters in a habitat their more physical species would struggle in. Spirit Tigers relish in the thickness of the spiritual forests, using cover to ambush prey, where they deliver a powerful spiritual wave that renders the prey too intimidated to move. The antlers on the species signify not only sexual dimorphism, but also strengthens their spiritual powers, allowing those with larger antlers to be greater hunters.